Duke Health

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Child Life specialist Micah Sedillos spends time with Graham Alexander and his children as they enjoy bubbles and snow cones at a quarterly in-person meet-up of KidsCAN!

KidsCan! Connects Kids to Talk about Parents’ Cancer

The KidsCAN! team approached Graham Alexander and his family shortly after his wife, Elizabeth, was transferred to the Duke Cancer Center from another hospital to further her care for colon cancer. At first, Graham felt reluctant to get involved in the program.

Giselle sits on a couch holding her new puppy

Back to School Weeks After Minimally Invasive Surgery for Atrial Septic Defect

Giselle Olivas was 8 years old when she was diagnosed with an atrial septal defect, also known as a hole in the heart. Her parents chose Duke for her surgery. But instead of traditional open-heart surgery, Giselle and her family opted for a less invasive approach. After her procedure in summer 2024, Giselle returned home following a two-night hospital stay. She attended her first day of fourth grade a few weeks later. “Everything looked great at her most recent appointment,” Giselle’s father Carlos Olivas said. “And the best part is that we shouldn't have to worry about this again in the future.”

 Eliana Vera González sonríe mientras su hija la abraza en su casa en Morrisville, NC.

Audición preservada después de la cirugía para quitar el neuroma acústico grande

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En septiembre de 2023, a Eliana Vera González la diagnosticaron con un neuroma acústico, un tumor no canceroso en la base del cráneo que crece cerca del cerebro y del oído interno. Debido a su tamaño y ubicación, retirarlo podría provocar una pérdida funcional permanente, incluida la pérdida de audición. Los cirujanos de Duke utilizaron una técnica quirúrgica avanzada para extirpar de forma segura el tumor de González y preservar su audición. Ahora González, de 38 años, está agradecida de poder disfrutar del tiempo con su familia. “Pasé unos meses sin poder jugar con mi hija de siete años por dolores de cabeza y mareos,” dijo González. “Hoy, gracias a Dios y a Duke, podemos hacerlo.”

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