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Conjoined Twins Separated at Duke
Healthy Lives Predicted

Josiah, left, and Aryan, and mom Vanessa are ready to head home
Duke surgeons performed separated conjoined twins during a nine-hour operation that took place in June of 2015. Eight-month-old twins, Josiah and Aryan Covington, were attached at the hip and shared a liver. The two boys recovered rapidly and are expected to lead healthy lives.
Born in September of 2014
The twins, Josiah and Aryan, were born at Duke in September, 2014. Doctors waited till they were healthy enough to undergo surgery.

The twins sit on their aunt's lap the day before surgery.

The Operation
Duke surgeons and nurses lift and clean 8-month-old conjoined twins before surgery to separate them at Duke University Hospital in Durham on Thursday, June 18, 2015.

The twins only shared one organ, the liver, which lessened the complications of such a delicate surgery. The 10-hour process still took 20 Duke medical staff to perform.

Here Aryan is transferred to another bed in order to be wheeled into another operating room where he'll be checked more thoroughly, and his incision will be closed.

After Surgery
Jamiah Covington, the twins' sister, strokes Josiah's hair after his surgery.

Ready to Leave the Hospital
One week later, the twins are healthy enough to leave the hospital. Pediatric surgeon, Henry Rice, MD, (left) holds Josiah while mom Vanessa Covington cradles Aryan.

Local Media Coverage
The local newspaper and television station were on hand to tell the story on the day the Covington twins were released from the hospital.