Stories and news about treatment advances that improve your health and quality of life

Heart Care

Learn about the Innovative approaches that Duke cardiologists and cardiac surgeons use to care for people with heart disease.

Showing 37 - 48 of 65 results
Winning Senior Olympic Gold After Heart Surgery and Cardiac Rehab
Winning Senior Olympic Gold After Heart Surgery and Cardiac Rehab

Dick Mazur of Raleigh was a fit 76-year-old planning to compete in the Senior Olympics for his third year in a row when his plans got waylaid. Diagnosed with a ...

When Heart Disease Runs in the Family
When Heart Disease Runs in the Family

Anne Goodes knew her heart beat faster than normal, but it wasn’t until her local cardiologist detected a heart murmur that she discovered she was at risk for ...

Women's Intuition Detects Heart Trouble
Women's Intuition Detects Heart Trouble

In the early months of spring 2013, Suzanne Lambert felt overwhelming stress as she cared for her aging parents and helped to plan her daughter’s wedding. When ...

Research Focuses on Stem Cell Therapy for Heart Attack, Heart Failure
Research Focuses on Stem Cell Therapy for Heart Attack, Heart Failure

Can stem cells improve your heart’s function following heart damage? That’s the question behind several clinical trials at Duke. As leaders in cardiac stem cel ...

Divorce Increases Women's Heart Attack Risk
Divorce Increases Women's Heart Attack Risk

Divorce is bad for your heart -- especially if you’re a woman. According to new Duke research, women who have been divorced at least once are more likely to ex ...

Leadless Pacemakers, the Size of a Vitamin, Showing Promise
Leadless Pacemakers, the Size of a Vitamin, Showing Promise

Investigational pacemakers -- the size of a small pen cap or vitamin pill -- are eliminating the need for painful surgical incisions and wires to connect the d ...

New Guidelines Recommend Blood Thinners for Women, People Over 65, with AFib
New Guidelines Recommend Blood Thinners for Women, People Over 65, with AFib

If you are a woman, or over 65, and have been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, new guidelines suggest blood-thinning drugs may reduce your risk for stroke. ...

5 Reasons Why Women Should Be Proactive About Their Heart Health
5 Reasons Why Women Should Be Proactive About Their Heart Health

The differences between men and women extend to matters of the heart, and we don’t mean how they “feel” about each other. Heart disease risks, symptoms and tre ...

Preventing Heart Disease When Family History Stacks the Deck
Preventing Heart Disease When Family History Stacks the Deck

Kat Duke of Raleigh lost her entire family to heart disease: her mother, her father, her brother, and her half-sister. She was determined not to succumb to the ...

Heart Disease Imaging
Heart Disease Imaging

When you have a heart condition, imaging tests are the best way to ensure you get the right treatment at the right time, and the best possible outcome. Only la ...

CPR Saves a Life
CPR Saves a Life

Duke cardiologist Monique Anderson, MD, has spent her early career researching the importance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. After presenting about the impa ...

When a Child Faints
When a Child Faints

Passing out. Blacking out. Keeling over. Whatever you call it, fainting can be frightening—especially when it happens to your child. The medical term for it is ...