Survivorship Week 2024 - Duke Cancer Center

Monday, June 3 - Thursday, June 6, 2024

Our 16th Survivorship Week celebration at Duke Cancer Center in Durham is a free event that is open to everyone. Join us, whether you are newly diagnosed, in treatment, completed your treatment, or are a caregiver or friend supporting someone with cancer. We have something for everyone.

Survivorship Week is presented by Duke Cancer Institute’s Supportive Care & Survivorship Center.

Duke Cancer Survivorship Week at Duke Cancer Center in Durham

Our in-person event is free to all Duke cancer patients, families, and caregivers. Participate in rejuvenation activities, and learn about services and strategies to help reduce the impact of cancer on your emotional and physical health.

View a slide show from past Survivorship Day events.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Talk to a cancer genetics counselor to learn about your cancer risk and get the support and resources you need to make informed decisions about your health and well-being. 

Register for an individualized session with a genetics counselor in the Patient Resource Center. Parking passes will be provided.

Enjoy a personal consultation with one of our expert hair stylists. They can do a dry cut or a head shave if you prefer. Our stylists can also assist with wig styling, cutting, and general wig care. All services are provided at no cost to patients. 

Our team of compassionate volunteer stylists is accustomed to working with individuals experiencing hair loss because of cancer treatment and will be sensitive to your needs and concerns. 

Salon services will be available in the Belk Boutique. Call 919-613-1905 to reserve your spot.

This offering is led by our experienced staff who understand the unique needs and concerns of people with cancer. They provide step-by-step guidance on how to tie scarves in different styles that cater to individual preferences and comfort levels.

Whether you're looking for a simple yet elegant knot or a more intricate turban-style wrap, our team will teach you techniques that suit your style and help you feel comfortable and confident. This resource will be offered in the Belk Boutique.

Explore cancer support and survivorship services and resources available throughout your cancer experience. Whether you are newly diagnosed, in treatment, completed your treatment, or are a caregiver or friend supporting someone with cancer – there is something for everyone. Learn more about our many resources: 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

For many, a cancer diagnosis is a financial and emotional catastrophe. 

How do you plan for major household income reductions of between 40% and 60% in the wake of a cancer diagnosis and treatment that spans months to years, depending on your cancer type? 

While many local, community, and national organizations and foundations aim to help reduce the financial and emotional burdens that result from cancer, it isn’t enough. Our expert, Clinical Social Worker, Gregory Bankoski, LCS, will discuss your experience and financial barriers. 

Patient navigators will join Banoski to provide valuable guidance and support. 

Register for a personalized session. Parking passes will be provided.

Whether you're currently undergoing treatment, in remission, or supporting a loved one through their cancer experience, this cooking demonstration offers valuable insights and resources to empower you to make informed dietary choices for optimal health and well-being.

Learn how physical wellness during and beyond cancer treatment can promote overall health, support recovery, prevent complications, boost immune function, manage treatment side effects, empower you, and ensure long-term well-being as a cancer survivor. 

Register for a personalized session with a physical therapist, exercise physiologist, occupational therapist, a nutritionist, Duke Integrative Medicine Center, and Survivor Friendly, which offers breast cancer and compression supplies, in the Patient Resource Center. 

Parking passes will be provided.



A makeup consultation is not just about applying makeup; it's a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and confidence-building that leaves you feeling confident, knowledgeable, and ready to conquer any makeup challenge. This free resource will be offered across from the Belk Boutique.

Enjoy a personal consultation with one of our expert hair stylists. They can do a dry cut or a head shave if you prefer. Our stylists can also assist with wig styling, cutting, and general wig care. All services are provided at no cost to patients. 

Our team of compassionate volunteer stylists is accustomed to working with individuals experiencing hair loss because of cancer treatment and will be sensitive to your needs and concerns. 

Salon services will be available in the Belk Boutique. Call 919-613-1905 to reserve your spot.

Wednesday, June 5

Massage therapy is a valuable self-care practice. It is often viewed as a complementary therapy that can be part of a holistic approach to cancer care, alongside medical treatments and supportive therapies. 

Massages will be first come, first serve and on each level of the Cancer Center. They are free to patients and caregivers.

Pet therapy can improve mental, emotional, and physical well-being by fostering positive experiences, companionship, and a sense of connection with animals. Swing by the lobby of the Cancer Center to meet our therapy dogs.

A makeup consultation is not just about applying makeup; it's a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and confidence-building that leaves you feeling confident, knowledgeable, and ready to conquer any makeup challenge. This free resource will be offered across from the Belk Boutique.

A mini manicure is a quick and simple way to refresh your nails and hands. Renn Nail Studio will provide basic nail care and grooming, including nail shaping, cuticle care, and buffing.

Led by experienced staff who understand the unique needs and concerns of people with cancer, this offering provides step-by-step guidance on tying scarves in different styles that cater to individual preferences and comfort levels. Whether you're looking for a simple yet elegant knot or a more intricate turban-style wrap, our team will teach you techniques that suit your style and help you feel comfortable and confident. This resource will be offered in the Belk Boutique.

The role of emotional wellness experts in cancer care goes beyond traditional mental health support. They play a vital role in promoting holistic well-being, resilience, and empowerment by providing tailored emotional support, teaching coping strategies, fostering self-awareness and advocacy, educating patients and caregivers, and collaborating with healthcare teams to enhance the overall quality of care for cancer patients and their families.

Register for a personalized session with a medical family therapist, clinical social worker, child life specialist, and psychologist in the Patient Resource Center.

Parking passes will be provided.

Discover the healing power of music therapy. Join Fred Perkins, MMT, MT-BC as he harnesses the power of music to find your voice and enhance emotional expression in a supportive and compassionate environment that fosters connection, understanding, and healing among patients and their caregivers. 

Registration is required. Register to reserve your spot. Parking passes will be provided. This offering will be located in the Atrium on level 00.

Thursday, June 6

Enjoy a personal consultation with one of our expert hair stylists. They can do a dry cut or a head shave if you prefer. Our stylists can also assist with wig styling, cutting, and general wig care. All services are provided at no cost to patients. 

Our team of compassionate volunteer stylists is accustomed to working with individuals experiencing hair loss because of cancer treatment and will be sensitive to your needs and concerns. 

Salon services will be available in the Belk Boutique. Call 919-613-1905 to reserve your spot.

This art therapy session is a group therapy experience that allows participants to use the language of art-making to explore their feelings about cancer diagnosis, treatment, survivorship, and recurrence. The group is led by a licensed art therapist, Geoffrey Vaughn, LMFT ATR, a medical family therapist with the Duke Cancer Patient Support Program. It is open to patients and caregivers,15 years and older facing cancer. 

No experience is needed to participate, and the session is not a structured lesson. You only need a curiosity and willingness to engage in processes like drawing, painting, collaging, and sculpting to investigate your feelings.

Registration is required to reserve your spot. This offering will be located in the Patient Resource Center.

Parking passes will be provided. 

Sexual health and intimacy education during and after cancer care promotes holistic well-being, improved quality of life, enhanced relationships, and empowered decision-making for patients and their partners. It recognizes sexuality as an integral aspect of the human experience and ensures that patients receive comprehensive support across physical, emotional, and relational dimensions. 

Register for a personalized session with a psychologist in the Patient Resource Center. 

Parking passes will be provided.

Learn More

Survivorship Week is made possible by our sponsors.