Chaplain Services and Education at Duke Regional Hospital

Duke Regional Hospital chaplains offer spiritual care, counseling, and emotional support to our patients, and families. The Chaplain Services department also offers the following services:

  • Spiritual assessment, intervention, comfort, and nurturing
  • Facilitation and support of religious practices of all faiths and spiritual paths
  • Non-judgmental listening
  • Crisis intervention
  • Advocacy for patients and staff
  • Collaboration with all members of the healthcare team
  • Consultations on advance directives, end-of-life decisions, and ethical issues
  • Development of relationships with multi-faith leaders in the community who offer referral-based spiritual and religious support.

Request a Chaplain Visit or Schedule Services

To request a visit on weekdays, ask your nurse to page the chaplain, or call the Chaplain Services office at 919-470-5363 and request a visit from the chaplain. During evenings and weekends, a nurse can page the on-call chaplain when a visit is desired.

Duke Regional Hospital’s chapel is a sacred space in the lobby at the main entrance of the hospital. It is open for prayer, meditation, and reflection for persons of all faiths, as well as for regularly scheduled services. An ecumenical Christian service is held each Tuesday from 1:00 pm. to 1:30 pm. If you have questions about the chapel, services, or pastoral care call 919-470-5363.

CPE Opportunities at Duke Regional Hospital

The Department of Chaplain Services provides provisionally accredited Level 1 and 2 Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) to ministerial students, clergy, and interested lay people. Our CPE program is accredited by the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE). Contact ACPE by phone: 404-320-1472 or fax: 404-320-0849. 

We offer an extended unit internship unit from January to June and July to December. 

Call Amy Canosa at 919-862-5646 for more information or download the CPE Unit application.

 Learn more about CPE opportunities at Duke Regional Hospital (PDF, 304 KB).