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Choose a Medicare Advantage Plan that Includes Duke Health

Open enrollment for Medicare Advantage runs from October 15 through December 7, 2020. If you want to choose a plan that includes Duke Health providers, hospitals and clinics, here is what you need to know.
Duke Health Is an “In Network” Provider for These Medicare Advantage Plans
- Aetna
- Blue Medicare/BCBSNC
- Experience Health
- Humana Medicare PPO
- United Healthcare - AARP
However, not all of these plans are offered in each county. Duke Homecare and Hospice does not participate in the Blue Medicare plan or United Healthcare. Duke’s independent diagnostic radiology locations do not participate in United Healthcare. Choose the plan in your county that includes Duke Health physicians, clinics and hospitals as part of its network.
Where Can I Get More Help in Selecting a Medicare Advantage Plan?
You can contact the Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP). They list Medicare Advantage plans by county that are available in 2019. Call them at 855-408-1212 or visit their website.