Susan Nicole Hastings, MD
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Duke Health Provider question

Susan Nicole Hastings, MD

Geriatric Medicine Specialist

Duke Health Provider question
Where I See Patients
Durham VA Health Care System - Durham, NC
Board Certified
American Board of Internal Med, Geriatric Medicine
American Board of Internal Med, Internal Medicine

My Locations

Durham VA Health Care System
508 Fulton St
Durham, NC 27705

About Me

Current Appointments and Affiliations
Languages I Speak

Training and Education

Board Certification
American Board of Internal Med, Geriatric Medicine
American Board of Internal Med, Internal Medicine
Geriatric Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, 2003-2006
Internal Medicine, Stanford University Medical Center (California), 1998-2001
MD, University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill School of Medicine, 1998

Clinical Focus and Research

Publications and Grants

Insurance Accepted

Please call to see if your insurance is accepted.

External Relationships

This faculty member (or a member of their immediate family) has reported outside activities with the companies or institutions listed below. This information has been reported to the health system leadership and, when appropriate, management plans are in place to address potential conflicts of interest.
  • University of Pennsylvania