Bert J. Klein III, MD
Not Accepting New Patients
For Returning Patients
Duke Health Provider question
I greatly enjoy talking to and caring for my patients, who are also my friends and neighbors.
– Bert J. Klein III, MD

Bert J. Klein III, MD

Internal Medicine Doctor, Primary Care Doctor

Duke Health Provider question
Not Accepting New Patients
For Returning Patients
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Where I See Patients
Kernodle Clinic West - Internal Medicine - Burlington, NC
Board Certified
American Board of Internal Med, Internal Medicine
I greatly enjoy talking to and caring for my patients, who are also my friends and neighbors.
– Bert J. Klein III, MD

About Me

I was born in Chapel Hill and grew up in the mountains of North Carolina before going to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for college and Wake Forest University for medical school, and so practicing in North Carolina came naturally. I have been practicing internal medicine in Burlington since 1999 and greatly enjoy talking to and caring for my patients, who are also my friends and neighbors. I am actively involved with health care administration at the local and regional level to try to improve how we provide health care in our community. I spend my time away from work trying to keep up with my wife and children, who are always on the go.

Current Appointments and Affiliations
Languages I Speak

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Ratings and Reviews

The Patient Rating score is an average of all responses to care provider related questions on our nationally-recognized Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey. Learn more about our survey process. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score. Patients who see some types of providers receive a different version of the patient satisfaction survey. Those results are not available on

Overall Provider Rating
4.96 out of 5
1269 ratings, 190 reviews

Training and Education

Board Certification
American Board of Internal Med, Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine, University of North Carolina Hospitals, 1996-1999
MD, Bowman Gray School of Medicine (North Carolina), 1996

Clinical Focus and Research

View my publications on PubMed

Insurance Accepted

Insurance coverage for Kernodle Clinics varies based on your plan. Before scheduling your appointment, we strongly recommend you contact your insurance company to verify that the Duke Health location or provider you plan to visit is included in your network. Your insurance company will also be able to inform you of any co-payments, co–insurances, or deductibles that will be your responsibility. For more information, please call the clinic.

External Relationships

Duke requires faculty members to report certain relationships outside of their employment in order to ensure potential conflicts can be addressed. This faculty member has reported no outside activities that relate to their Duke responsibilities.