Leukapheresis Protocol - Clinical Trial

What is the Purpose of this Study?

We are doing this study to support vaccine development by studying blood cells of the immune system.

What is the Condition Being Studied?

Testing leukapheresis fluid (cells) of the immune system to support vaccine development

Who Can Participate in the Study?

Adults who:

  • Are ages 18 - 60
  • Are in good health
  • Do not have a bleeding disorder
  • Are at least 110 pounds
  • Do not have an autoimmune disease(s)
  • Are not pregnant
  • Have not had cancer within the past 5 years
  • Are not currently in an investigational study
  • Are not taking medications to treat high blood pressure

If you need assistance in understanding if you can participate, please contact Luis Ballón at 919-620-5334 or Darren Morrow at 919-684-6043.

Age Group

What is Involved?

If you choose to join this study, you will have 2 visits.

  • You will have blood draws at both visits
  • The first visit will measure safety labs
  • The second visit will be 3 hours long for the leukapheresis procedure

Study Details

Full Title
EQA Proficiency Testing and Quality Control Leukapheresis Protocol
Principal Investigator
Thomas Denny
Protocol Number
IRB: PRO00000873
Enrollment Status
Open for Enrollment