Najit CHIKV 24-0001 (Vaccine Study for Health Volunteers) - Clinical Trial
What is the Purpose of this Study?
We are doing this study to find out if an investigational vaccine (HydroVax-005 CHIKV - the study vaccine) is a safe and effective option to protect against chikungunya virus. Chikungunya virus is spread by mosquitos that are most common in Africa, Asia, and India. Infection with the virus can cause serious disease in older adults, children, and people with weaker immune systems.
What is the Condition Being Studied?
Vaccination Against Chikungunya Virus
Who Can Participate in the Study?
Adults ages 18-49 who:
- Are healthy and do not have significant medical problems
- Have not made any changes to medication use in the past 60 days
- Are not immunocompromised
- Do not have a history of chikungunya virus infection
For more information, contact the study team at
Age Group
What is Involved?
The study lasts about 8 months. If you choose to join the study, you will:
- Visit our clinic for a screening visit to confirm that you are eligible
- Visit our clinic for 2 vaccination visits and get 2 doses of the study vaccine or placebo (inactive substance), which are given as shots
- Have 7 follow-up visits after you get the vaccine or placebo
- Have 4 phone calls with the team at different times to see how you are doing
- Get compensation for participating
Study Details
Full Title
A Double Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 1 Dose Escalation Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of an Inactivated Chikungunya Virus Vaccine, HydroVax-005 CHIKV, in Healthy Adults
Principal Investigator
Emmanuel Walter
Protocol Number
Enrollment Status
Open for Enrollment